- CONCAMO is short for “confusion camouflage”—it’s called that because of its remarkable ability to trick observers at the subconscious level
- The pattern features 8 colours blended through various elements and shadings to produce more than 60 layers of perceivable depth making it ideal for mixed-forest environments
- It’s ideal for mixed-forest environments
- The fabric is a blend of 65% cotton and 35% polyester and it’s NIRR treated
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The United States Army’s official camouflage pattern in Afghanistan, and adopted by armed forces around the world. Ideal for use in an impressively wide range of locations, situations, and conditions. Its high-tech pattern shapes and sizes work hand-in-glove with a unique color profile (shades of brown, green, and tan) to disrupt your visual traces and near-IR signature.

This Multicam black pattern shows up a lot in the tactical apparel worn by police and military special-forces teams. Well, shows up might not be the best choice of words because this camo pattern does the exact opposite of show up if worn during night operations—then you’re as close to invisible as you can get. Mainly, though, you wear Multicam black to project authority.

The official concealment system of the German army, Flecktarn camo employs the science of perceptual psychology to let you stay out of sight. Consists of a mottled pattern with no fewer than three and as many as six colours matching those of nature in Central Europe's forests. Excellent visual disruption properties.

Whether your goal is to cover up a single army sniper or an entire Marine regiment, you should consider equipping yourself with SloCam. It uses a mixture of olive green and brown-green tones which makes anyone positioned in the middle of trees or shrubs exceptionally difficult to spot from a distance. It harmonizes with NATO's favourite colours and patterns for member country troops engaged in joint operations.